What types of bullying exist and how can jiu jitsu help you face each of them?
Bullying is a pervasive issue that can manifest in various forms, and it is crucial to understand and address each type. The different types of bullying can generally be categorized as verbal, social, and physical. Jiu-Jitsu, a martial art and philosophy, can provide valuable tools to help individuals confront and overcome each of these forms […]
What does the new generation of women in jiu-jitsu have to teach us?
The new generation of women in Jiu-Jitsu has much more to offer than just valuable teachings; they are truly inspiring and serve as powerful representatives for their gender. In today’s world, we are fortunate to have a multitude of role models to look up to, and this is made possible through the concept of representation. […]
Creating a bully-free environment: the role of children’s jiu-jitsu!
Bullying, a phenomenon that was not explicitly labeled during our school days, is something many of us have witnessed or even personally experienced. Nowadays, it is recognized as a pervasive issue known as bullying. A study conducted in Brazil in 2010 among students from both private and public schools revealed that typical bullying humiliations are […]
Women on the mat: health and body aesthetics!
When it comes to discussing sports, it would be remiss to neglect the topic of health. Regardless of the chosen sport, practitioners always stand to benefit. However, when it comes to martial arts, specifically Jiu-Jitsu, the benefits can be even greater. One of the significant advantages of practicing Jiu-Jitsu is its positive impact on both […]
Women’s Jiu-Jitsu: the strength of women on the mats!
Some time ago, women were excluded from Jiu-Jitsu mats. Nowadays, they are breaking barriers and showing that there is nothing they cannot do when it comes to martial arts. The strength of women in Jiu-Jitsu is a force to be recognized and praised. In this article, we will address the rise of women on the […]
Why shouldn’t women wait to be prepared to start practicing jiu-jitsu?
It is a common misconception for women to believe that they need to be physically or mentally prepared before starting to practice Jiu-Jitsu. However, this mindset often leads to unnecessary delays and missed opportunities for growth. In reality, waiting to be “prepared” is counterproductive because Jiu-Jitsu itself can provide the physical and mental benefits that […]
From rivals to teammates: the transformational power of women’s jiu-jitsu!
Unfortunately, there is a prevailing cultural belief that women should be rivals. There is an expectation that one must always strive to be better, bigger, stronger than the other. However, in the realm of women’s Jiu-Jitsu, this notion is challenged and overcome. As a woman steps onto the mat, she might initially believe that she […]
How can jiu jitsu help children with anxiety treatment and prevention?
Jiu-jitsu, a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting techniques, can be a beneficial tool in helping children with anxiety treatment and prevention. Anxiety disorders are prevalent among children and can have a significant impact on their overall well-being and daily functioning. Incorporating jiu-jitsu into their routine can provide numerous physical, mental, and […]